Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015

Recap of 81st edition of Pitti Bimbo

Letztes Wochenende Madrid und schon geht's weiter nach Florenz, zu wohl größten Kindermodemesse Europas. Vom 25. - 27. Juni versammelten sich alle großen Namen der Kindermode auf der Pitti Bimbo und präsentieren hier ihre neuen Kollektionen.

Mit „That's Pitticolor“ startet die Pitti Immagine Bimbo zum 81. Mal in die neue Orderrunde. Die Kindermodemesse findet in der ehemaligen Medici-Festung Fortezza da Basso statt. Die internationale Bedeutung spiegelt sich im Interesse der Aussteller und Käufer wider: 450 Firmen präsentieren hier dem Fachpublikum ihre Kollektionen, davon 177 aus dem Ausland. Vor allem in Südeuropa bestimmt die Pitti Bimbo Styles und Trends der Kindermode. Auch die Bereiche Schuhmode und Accessoires sind auf der Pitti Bimbo vertreten – ebenso wie eine umfassende Baby World. Ein umfangreiches Begleitprogramm und viele Modeschauen sorgen für fröhliche und spannende Unterhaltung!
Dieses Jahr feiert Pitti Bimbo den 40. Geburtstag und lud seine Aussteller und Einkäufer zur großen Geburtstagsparty, PITTI COLOR PARTY in der Villa Le Corti in San Casciano Val di Pesa ein.


The 81st edition of Pitti Immagine Bimbo (Florence, 25-27 June 2015) ended last Saturday. More than 10.000 visitors (5.600 international buyers) came to Florence to view the new collections for spring | summer 2016. The figures for Italy remained stable, reflecting the positive signs already registered for domestic consumption which has become more dynamic in recent months. According to Raffaello Napoleone, CEO of Pitti Immagine: “The Italian market has managed to hold steady and this is undoubtedly a comforting sign after several seasons in which the decrease in domestic consumption has been evident”. 

The runway shows and events: a fashion week for children only

As at every edition children’s fashion is displaying high levels of quality with their fabulous fashion runway shows. The shows launched new trends and offered invaluable ideas for styling and combining clothing and accessories, were attracting increasingly bigger audiences. Here are my hightlights: More images you'll in my next report here>>

Pitti Bimbo celebrates its first 40 years with PITTI COLOR PARTY!


THAT’S PITTICOLOR” was the title-theme of the fair and was revolved around color and colors, the colors in which we are constantly immersed, the colors that are all around us, that we wear, that are inside us and in front of our eyes. To celebrate the fair’s 40th birthday a big PITTI COLOR PARTY was set up. It was a special event dedicated to its exhibitors, top buyers and the international press on Friday 26 June, at 8.30 p.m., in the beautiful setting of Villa Le Corti in San Casciano Val di Pesa.

"Sorry for the mess" at Sport Generation Department

Stella Jean Kids

Stella Jean Kids

Stella Jean Kids

The collection from Dubai is dedicated to little fashionistas.




More impressions and information you'll find in my ShowStyleKids trend report "Pitti Bimbo" with high res pictures. 

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