Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2015

Recap from 18th Playtime Paris

 Mit mehr als 470 internationalen Marken der Kinder-, Jugend und Umstandsmode präsentiert sich die Playtime Paris bereits zum 18. Mal im Parc Floral. Playtime Paris befindet sich weiter im Aufwind. Im Juli verzeichnete die Messe mit 6.256 Besuchern einen Zuwachs von nahezu 10% im Vergleich zur vorigen Saison. Durch die Kooperationen mit Playtime New York und Playtime Tokio gewinnt sie immer mehr internationales Ansehen. Neben dem Ausstellerbereich Kindermode wachsen die Sektoren Schwangerschaftsmode und Kinder-Ausstattung mit einem eigenen Ausstellungsbereich im Nebengebäude. Die nächste Playtime Paris finden vom 24.1. - 26.1.2016 statt.

Agatha Cub

Agatha Cub


I haven’t the foggiest                           

Bildunterschrift hinzufügen

Max & Lola

Rita co Rita

More brands and more buyers

Over 470 brands were present at this seasons edition of Playtime Paris. The fair was organized around the theme of "Movement". I saw a lot of returning brands but also quite some new ones! For this edition, Playtime Paris positined all maternity wear in seperate pavilions. So the main hall was dedicated to a wonderful curated selection of fashion and accessories brands and of course the trend installations. The trend spaces and events reflected the overall theme, and so did the wonderful energy of the show, during a period in which the children’s market is still fragile. 

Trend installation
trend installation at the maternity area
In spite of the scorching temperatures, Playtime’s quest to gather the most beautiful collections of the moment nonetheless managed to convince 6.256 professional visitors to pay them a visit with an increase of almost 10% in the number of buyers, in spite of a decrease in the number of overall visitors. This is a trend that is affirming itself season after season. This time there was a strong reinforcement of German visitors as well as more Russians. Next edition will be held 24-26, January 2016.

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