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Dienstag, 27. August 2013

Tulip & Nettle - Clothes to love, cherish, and above all, actually wear every day!

How lovely these images on the A/W13 collection of Tulip & Nettle are; the result of a collaboration between Tulip & Nettle and photographer Anita Clark. Tulip and Nettle children's clothes are made FOR children not BY children. Their clothes are all manufactured in the North East of England in a few small excellent factory units, by properly paid adults.

They started with just the Tulip label in 1998. Nettle came into being when a customer pointed out to them that her 12 year old son found the Tulip label in his trousers a shade girly. Grown Up clothes are a more recent introduction to the range. The look was originally inspired by the owner's children, but the name came from her dogs! Tulip was a much loved Pug and Nettle is a Jack Russell.

Anita has been a photographer for years but found herself increasingly drawn to kid's fashion after the birth of her two children. Her work has been featured by La Petite, RAWR and Babiekins.

Clothes to love, cherish, and above all, actually wear every day.

©2013 all  pictures by Anita Clark for Tulip & Nettle

Freitag, 9. August 2013

Little Mountains by iiS - Norwegian Knit Collection for Boys and Girls

Little Mountains by IIS is a Norwegian design collection for boys and girls aged 0-10 years. Founded by the Norwegian designer Siv Elise Seland in 2011 as a small family company situated on the south west coast of Norway. Norwegian nature and culture are important sources of Siv Elise Seland's inspiration, fusing ethnic Scandinavian knitwear and traditional techniques with a contemporary twist. Little Mountains are functional clothes in pure wool or in combination with other natural fibers. They keep warm and are so comfortable for little active kids and regulate their body temperature perfectly throughout all seasons.
More about the label you'll find on their Facebook site.

Little Mountains by IIS ist ein junges norwegisches Label für Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 0-10 Jahren. Gegründet wurde das label 2011 von der Designerin Siv Elise Seland. Die Inspirationen holte die Designerin sich aus traditionellen Norwegischer Strickmotiven wie verschiedene Tiere oder Fabelwesen. Im Mittelpunkt der Kollektion stehen funktionelle Schnitte aus reiner Wolle oder in Kombination mit anderen Naturfasern. Die Kleidung ist für bewegungsfreudige Kinder nicht nur sehr bequem, sondern sie hält auch warm und reguliert durch die natürlichen Materialien perfekt die Körpertemperatur und das zu jeder Jahreszeit.
Mehr Info zu dem Label gibt es auf deren Facebookseite.

 "We are conscious about taking care of our environment, and it is among our future goals that all of our styles are made in biologiacal qualities byfair trade principals, within only a few years. We have passionately started to increase the ethical value of our products and we promise you that in the future you'll find more and more of these products in our production"


 all pictures © Little Mountains by iiS

Misha Lulu - Fall/ Winter 2013

Das quirlige amerikanische Label Misha Lulu wurde 2006 von Joe Salazar und Karen Moran-Salazar gegründet. Die Philosophie des Labels basiert auf Vertrauen, der Lateinamerikanische  Kultur und die Kindheitserinnerungen der beiden Designer. „Es sind vor allem unsere eigenen Kindheitserlebnisse und das wunderbaren Familienleben, die uns bei der Kinderkollektion inspirieren“. Misha Lulu ist eine „retro-moderne“  Baby- und Kinderkollektion. Maßgeblich wird Baumwolle verwendet, aber auch andere - nur das Beste - Materialien finden hier ihren Einsatz. Wichtig ist dem Designer-Duo vor allem  Materialien zu verwenden, die Nachhaltigkeit garantieren und  umweltfreundlich sind. Alle Produkte werden ausschließlich in den USA produziert. 
Die Herbst/ Winterkollektion 2013 wurde ganz wunderbar von Flannery o’ Kafka fotografiert.
Unbedingt auch mal in den Blog von Misha Lulu reinschauen!

Misha Lulu founded 2006 by Joe Salazar and Karen Moran-Salazar. Karen a native from El Salvador and Joe live in South Pasadena with their daighter Isabela. The philosophy of the label is inspired by their faith, Latin culture and childhood memories. „It is our own fun childhood memories and family experiences that inspire our line“. Misha Lulu is a retro-modern infant and toddler brand. Main materials used is cotton mixed with other best qualities tht protect our enviroment. All their products are produced in the USA. The current fall/winter collection was wonderfully shot by photographer Flannery o’ Kafka.
Also visit their lovely blog!

Freitag, 2. August 2013

Photography we love: Retro Styling ...

more here >>

More you'll find here in the current issue of the Earnshaws Magazine. A B2B magazine for US Children's outfitting market